About me

It’s always nice to tell people who you are but honestly the about me page will never be enough to tell all of you who I really am. But I will still give it a shot. I am who you want me to be. To some, I am the most annoying, troublesome, fighter of a girl and to some I am a loving, caring, irritable, sweet, innocent girl. The name given to me by my parents was “Roshni” which basically means Light, or Brightness. It’s been a journey for to me to embrace the full meaning of my name. I still love the darkness but I also love the little beam of light that I see through the windows. I am finding my own light and in the process I am also sharing a bit of it with all of you and the people I meet. My last name is “Chetan”, again a name that my grand father decided to use, which means full of consciousness. Light and consciousness in itself are such beautiful words that I feel blessed to be on this journey with all of you. My journey into the world of blogging started when I was left with no choice but to reflect and find my own light in the process. Little did I know that this would become a part of me, so much so that, I miss writing if I don’t for many days and not just writing for myself, but writing so someone, somewhere, in some corner of the world will benefit from my reflections on life’s biggest questions and might resonate with my way of thinking.

The reason why I got on this journey is the person below 🙂

My teacher has taught me to have the “Bring it on” attitude for life. So, these days, that’s the only principle I live and swear by. He has also taught me to say, “How wonderful” to all the things that happen in my life, good or bad. My teacher is a big part of this blog for now, it might change as we go along. He has taught me many life lessons and continues to do and so I love to share and reflect on what he teaches me. You will see a little of me and a little of him in this blog and as you read you will discover parts of yourself you never knew existed. So, are you excited to be on this journey with me? However long it lasts. See you on the other side.

Yours Truly,

Roshni Chetan

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